Saturday, December 31, 2011

Nursing Babies- How Old Is Too Old?

!±8± Nursing Babies- How Old Is Too Old?

Nursing babies are a beautiful sight in many cultures. Many mothers fall in love with their children as they watch them suckle and drift contentedly off to sleep. Nursing babies are happiest while in their mother's arms.

While few would argue that nursing babies are adorable, what's to be done with a toddler who stomps their foot in defiance and demands to be nursed right now? How old is too old to be breast fed?

Choosing to breastfeed your baby may have been a simple decision but determining when to wean a child can be difficult. When many mothers begin to breastfeed their babies, they assume that weaning will occur naturally. For some breast fed babies, the transition form the breast to the sippy cup comes with a fight.

Nursing babies who have a difficult time adjusting to life away from the breast may be objecting to more than just weaning. Some breast fed babies crave the physical closeness of nursing more than breast milk.

Determining if this is true for your child can help make the transition easier for both mother and child. Continuing to hold your child during feedings can help reduce the shock of weaning for a sensitive child.

While the appropriate age to wean a child is not set in stone, it is culturally acceptable in America to nurse a child for the first twelve months. Once solid foods are introduced into the child's diet and they begin to walk, American customs call for the weaning of the child.

Some breast feeding women choose to extend this period of nursing, sometimes until the child leaves for kindergarten. While many of them wean their babies shortly before returning to the workforce, some continue to pump breast milk and bottle feed their babies for several years.

The choice really is up to each woman and many choose to ignore social norms. Breast feeding women can even choose to keep their extended breastfeeding a secret by storing breast milk in the refrigerator disguised as cow's milk or formula.

When a mother decides to stop breastfeeding, she can feel a sense of loss and sadness as a chapter of her baby's life comes to a close. Sensing this unhappiness in the mother, a child can exhibit fussiness and tantrums during a mother's attempts to stop breastfeeding.

Before attempting to stop breastfeeding, a nursing mother must come to grips with any unresolved feelings she may be experiencing about weaning her child.

Mothers who choose to formula feed a nursing infant can be in for a fight unless the transition is made slowly. Abruptly springing a formula feed schedule in place of breast feeding sessions can be traumatic to nursing babies. The bottle should be introduced slowly and be filled with 100% breast milk at first.

Formula can be slowly added to subsequent bottles of breast milk until the child is completely weaned from the breast. Gradually substitute a breast feeding session with a bottle feeding session over a period of several weeks if possible.

Once a child is accustomed to the 100% formula feed schedule, the mother should continue to provide physical interaction with the baby during bottle feeding sessions to continue bonding and provide intense social interaction for the child.

Nursing babies can transition smoothly to the bottle or sippy cup if a nursing mother is emotionally prepared to wean her baby. Armed with a few facts, mothers can help nursing babies adjust smoothly to being away from the breast.

Not all nursing babies will be pleasant to nurse as they grow to be demanding toddlers. Each woman must decide for herself when her child needs to stop breastfeeding.

Nursing Babies- How Old Is Too Old?

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Medela Swing Breast Pump

!±8± Medela Swing Breast Pump

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Breastfeeding - Do Big Breasts Make More Milk?

!±8± Breastfeeding - Do Big Breasts Make More Milk?

The simple answer to this question is no. However, size does matter in this situation. If you have small breasts, you will need to nurse a little more frequently to maintain your milk supply at the same level as those who have larger breasts. The science behind this principle goes something like this:

As your breasts become fuller, the tightness or engorgement of the breast tissue signals the milk producing glands to slow their milk production. Women who have larger breasts can hold more milk before their breasts begin to get engorged with too much milk. Keep in mind, however, that milk production is not solely governed by breast fullness or emptiness.

A bigger factor determining how much milk will be made is the stimulation that the breast receives from a nursing baby. During nursing, the breast is stimulated to produce more milk than when it otherwise would between feedings. Nursing is even more effective than using a breast pump. The key is emptying the breast as much as possible. However, you can't empty it all the way, just like you can't empty a river.

The more frequently the breasts are emptied, the more rapidly they will fill, and the more milk you will make in a 24 hour period. When a baby goes through a growing spurt she will nurse more frequently and often be cranky about how much milk she is getting, if she is not getting enough. As your milk supply catches up with your baby's demand she will begin to nurse less often again, getting more milk at each feeding.

So as you can see, having big breasts does not determine how much milk you make on its own, but it may influence how often you need to nurse to maintain a certain amount of supply.

Breastfeeding - Do Big Breasts Make More Milk?

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Electric Versus Manual Breast Pumps

!±8± Electric Versus Manual Breast Pumps

All new mothers have the same questions about breast pumps, "which is better, manual or electric?" Many people will tell you that it is your personal preference and get the one you like. If you aren't sure and do not know what way to turn, then here is some information on the age old question.

If you are a new mother and have just started breastfeeding, you should hold off on an electric pump. Sometimes breastfeeding does not work out. You have every intention of breastfeeding your child for at least six months, but you may not be able to do it. The child may not latch on correctly and never get the hang of it. You may find that it is uncomfortable and you do not want to continue. Breast pumps can be expensive and buying a manual one will save you money in case you decide against it.

The manual breast pump is also great for those on a budget. They are small and can fit into a diaper bag very easily. They are lightweight and will not bog you down when gathering everything up for a day out with your newborn. It is also best to get the manual pump if you are just not sure how long you are going to breastfeed. If you are thinking about breastfeeding for only a few months, then you may not want to make the investment in something so expensive. The manual breast pump also lets you control the speed and the suction that you are pumping.

However, with all that being said, you may be a pro at breastfeeding. If this is your second child and you know that you are going to be breastfeeding for quite some time, you may want to invest in the electric pump. You may already know that there will be a third child eventually and the pump will be put to good use. If you plan on returning to work and need to pump daily and quickly, then the electric pump is a great investment. The electric pump also helps mothers increase their milk supply. When deciding between the two, think about your own situation and what will be best for you.

Electric Versus Manual Breast Pumps

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